version 0.3.5 updates

Updates in this version include:

-Events have been added to the Magic Mansion to set party level to 99 and 1, as needed for playtesting. *This will be removed in final game*

-Removed Goblin Bodyslam skill completely, as it would consistently stun-lock and lead to unavoidable death. Replaced with Strange Dance.

-Updated ending scene actors so it does not conflict with the chosen character at game start

-Speaking of game start, added summaries of each class to the character selection screen

-Updated class stat progression to allow for more unique experience:

  • Magic Swordsman - no changes, standard progression
  • Knight - higher defense and attack, slower scaling with levels. Lower speed across the board.
  • Martial Artist - Higher attack and speed, with fast scaling. Lower Defense across the board. Also boosted luck for improved criticals.
  • Wretch - Luck is nonexistent. Lowered defense and attack, until higher levels, where attack stat spikes critically.

-Updated various continuity errors and spelling/grammar in the text.

-Updated Fast Travel names at the magic mansion to match in-game location names

-Added labels to dialogue branches for various NPCs, eliminating need to interact again after selecting a dialogue choice.


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